Thursday, July 29, 2021

Checking In

 Hello everyone,

I haven't started anything yet but I'm probably going to start another series in Data Structures and an Introduction to Operating Systems in Udacity. I'm not going to start them simultaneously, I'm thinking about starting the Operating Systems course first.

Other than that I'm still watching the HTML&CSS course. But I got a little sick after I got vaccinated so it's not going really fast sadly.

I'm also trying to solve LeetCode's array problems. I'm not really sure how to improve my solutions' time complexity but I'm trying some stuff out.

Also, I will update my blog more often.

That's all I'm going to say for now, see you!


Sunday, July 25, 2021

Finished Data Structures!!

Hey everyone!

I'm back at my home so I will probably focus better on my studies now. However, I will leave again in a week or so, and for a week I won't be able to study at all. Also, I'm going to France ( first time abroad :) ) for a French course. I have genuinely no idea if I can study there.

Other than those, I've finished studying Data Structures. I thought some of them were really ingenious concepts. I couldn't completely understand the last ones though, like balanced binary trees and indexed priority queues. I will take a second look at those whenever I can. My favorites were Fenwick trees and suffix arrays. I found them relatively easy to implement and loved the logic behind them.

With Data Structures finished I will probably focus on HTML&CSS more. I haven't decided what else I will study yet.

Also, I'm almost finished with my bioinformatics book. A really big part of it was about how to use certain bioinformatic websites, but it was good anyway.

That's all I've got to say right now! 


Monday, July 19, 2021

Another Break(ish)

 Hey everyone!

I’m not at my home currently and there isn’t really any reliable internet source :/ I’m still trying to study but my phone has only so much internet

Still, I’ve finished watching CrashCourse Computer Science and I actually loved it. It was very enlightening I believe. I loved specially the parts about the historical development of computers, the world wide web and compressing. I found the parts about hardware a bit confusing actually but they were lovely as well.

Also, I’m trying to solve LeetCode’s easy array questions but they are harder than I expected ;-; I’ve solved some of them but certain one weren’t accepted. I believe this happened because of their time complexity, they get timed out in relatively large input.

Lastly, I’m reading the bioinformatics book (Bioinformatics for Dummies) I got from the library a while back. I expected the book to talk about fundamental themes of bioinformatics but it’s mostly about how to use bioinformatics-related websites. But I will try to finish it all the same.

That’s all I’ve got to say right now! See you 


Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Checking In

 Hello everyone!
I haven't finished anything yet (why everything's taking that much time ;-;) but I thought I should check in to keep the blog updated.

I'm still watching CrashCourse Computer Science, but there isn't much left. I will probably finish it in two days. Also, I'm still studying Data Structures, it turned out to be a really long subject.

I'm also trying to solve easy Array problems in LeetCode, but I haven't written my codes to the site yet. So, I'm not sure they work as I intended.

I couldn't look at HTML & CSS as much I wanted, I'm going to focus on it more probably.

That's all I've got to say for now. See you soon!


Thursday, July 8, 2021

Studying New Youtube Series!

 Hi everyone!

As I've finished CS50 AI, I thought that I should start studying something else. Now I'm watching the CrashCourse Computer Science on Youtube. It's been pretty fun so far. Some of its parts (mainly the ones in the beginning) are about hardware, and frankly, those parts made me thankful that my major isn't EEE because it took me some time even the understand the basic topics mentioned there. I cannot imagine what would I do if I studied EEE :)

Other than that, I'm still looking into Data Structures. It turned out that the tutorial I was watching was very, very thorough, and there're topics not included in the CS102 course in Bilkent. But I'm still watching it all though, but it takes some time.

Also, I FINALLY finished the easy string collection in LeetCode. I will probably look into the easy array collection now. Also, I'm still looking into the HTML & CSS tutorial on youtube, but I couldn't study it much in the past couple of days (but I can more or less understand the blogger's HTML view now :D).

That all I've got the say for now! See you soon.


Friday, July 2, 2021

Finished (Watching) CS50's Introduction to Articificial Intelligence Course!

 Hello everyone,

Today I've finished watching the CS50 AI's last lesson. I think the course was pretty interesting. At the start of each lesson what the instructor is doing seems like ordinary stuff, and sometimes it didn't seem like AI at all. But when I got to the end of each video, all of those small things combined and created some complex functions. I thought it was incredible . My favorite lesson was the last one, language. I was really astonished what computers can achieve in the language aspect. It was also interesting to see how people tried to get the computer to "understand" what individual words or sentences mean. The last lesson was, I think, very amazing.

With that course done, I think I might start another CS50 course, the one about designing games. I haven't looked at it in detail but the videos seemed nice.

Other than that, I studied a little more data structures and HTML&CSS. But, I haven't got a place where something particularly important happened.

Also, I've polished and given a last look at some of my LeetCode answers. They work now.

That's all I've got to say right now, see you soon!
