Hello everyone,
My school opened last week, and I started my second semester of the second year. This year I'm taking CS224 and CS202 which are complimentary of the classes I've taken last semester. Also, I'm taki,ng MATH225 which is Dİfferential Equations & Linear Algebra. I have to admit I'm a bit scared of this course. Lastly, I'm taking HUM111 and PYHS252, introduction to astronomy, which are supposed to be easier courses.
During the last half the summer break I was continuing my internships at Tübitak and YapıKredi. The internship at Tübitak was more like a BootCamp actually. I've taken some courses in Spring and React. I had very little knowledge on them. Then I've started a project which was about creating a student and course management system. I've had never used database this extensively before so it was a little challenging to work with spring actually. I couldn't come to stage I liked since I got sick the last week of the internship and then my school has started, but I'll work on it when I have time.
YapıKredi internship was pretty much what I'd expected. I was under Bussiness Intelligence and I'd a mentor to help me with the internship. Actually, this wasn't a strictly CS internship, but I've learned a great deal about SQL. They were using data to create live graphs, so I also worked in design part. Unrelated to my department, HR also arrange a multitude of seminar and activities. From one of the competitions I've won a smartwatch actually :).
I think both of the internships taught me a great deal about the work-life. I'm really glad that I've done this internships since they gave me great insight about how my work will be after I graduated.
Now, I'll try to update my project from before and maybe study some MATH225 topics before my lessons and assignments occupy most of my time.
That's all I've got the say right now! See you.
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