Monday, September 27, 2021

After the first week!

 Hello everyone!

I couldn't write because I was trying to adjust to the dormitories and couldn't study programming much :( However, I'd attended inzva's Algorithm Training Beginner Set. It was really nice I think; I got to study what I learned during my summer studies. But, the website didn't allow me to log in for 2-3 days, so I got really behind schedule. I emailed the staff, and it works now, but it's a bit too late.

Other than that, I was trying to adapt to my new school schedule. As Bilkent switched back to face-to-face, I'll stay at dormitories. It's been OK so far. We covered just a very, very tiny bit of curriculum, but I mean, it's the first week.

I'll try to continue my studies, but my progress will be slower than that of the summer.

That's all ı've got to say for now! See you.


Saturday, September 18, 2021

Going To Campus!

 Hello everyone,

My university's going to start face-to-face lessons in a couple of days. I'll stay at dorms, and I don't know how it's going to be like really. This semester, I'm taking CS102, ENG102, MATH102, TURK102 (those are all the continuation of my previous courses), and PHYS101 (it's actually in the second-year curriculum but I thought there would be more sections if I got that lesson in the fall semester). I really wanted to take the Introduction to Astronomy, but it only has one section and it overlaps with MATH102 ;-;

I'm still studying the OS course. I, for some reason, didn't realize how long it was when I first started it. It's quite long, but I'll continue.

I'm also still studying touch typing. My current writing speed is around 33 words per minute. I'll continue studying it but it's a bit weird sometimes. My laptop's keyboard is a Turkish keyboard and it has a bunch of special characters not included in English keyboards. This also means the symbols (like %, @, or #) can be in difficult places to press, and the website I'm studying touch typing is completely for English keyboards. This annoys me a bit.

Also, I'm still coding some projects. They're small projects usually and I couldn't completely finish any of the new ones. I'll work on them as well.

That's all I've go to say right now! See you.



Monday, September 13, 2021

My Post Got Deleted?

 Hello everyone!
I actually made another post before that in the last couple of days, but it seems to have been deleted. I don't have a clue why this happened. But, I will just summarize what I've been doing.

I'm still studying the data structures course on YouTube, but I slowed down. I think the topics got a bit specific so I'm watching them slower.

I'm still continuing the operating systems course. It's longer than I first thought, it will probably take some more time until I finish it. But, I think it gives a really good insight into OSs. I have no prior knowledge of OSs but I think I understand the course very well.

I studied GitHub, not from the YouTube list I linked before but from various websites on the internet. I didn't study it very thoroughly but now I can at least do the basic stuff. I didn't even know how to push my codes into GitHub. I have to study it a lot more, though.

Lastly, I started implementing some basic search algorithms and making some little projects using data structures. I did DFS and BFS, I messed it up at one point but they're OK right now. they're actually the same code but I used queues in one and stacks in the other. One of the others is a program to check if the brackets are in order in a string. There's a one for enrolling students in universities according to their preference and their exam score. In the last one, I first sorted the students but I will try to make another one without first sorting them, it will be harder I suppose.

I mostly do a combination of the one above every day. I plan to do so until I finish one of them.

That's all I wanted to say for now! See you.


Friday, September 3, 2021

Back From France

 Hello everyone!

I know it has been some time since I last wrote. I went to a language school in Vichy, France, and just recently came back to my home. There, I couldn't connect to the internet regularly, and sadly, even when I could I didn't have a lot of time to study :(

I studied Data Structures, and there are six videos left for the playlist. However, I couldn't study much to OS and touch typing courses much. Right now I've started studying them where I left them and I still study Data Structures.

I'm thinking about studying GitHub because I realized that I didn't really understand how I should use it.

Lastly, I've signed up for a data structures training set which is starting on 17 September. Its sign-up link was sent by my university's Career Center so I thought it would be good practice.

P.S. Bilkent postponed the first day of classes because it will be face-to-face, this means I have a week more to study the topic I choose.

That's all I've got to say right now! See you
