Saturday, October 9, 2021

A Long Break

 Hello everyone!

I'm sorry I couldn't write to the blog earlier. I just couldn't get used to the campus I guess because I constantly had some homework or some project needs to be done as soon as possible. But, I think it's somehow better now. I'll try my best to keep the blog updated.

Since my last entry, I've done some projects for my CS102, a Hangman game. For this, I've studied with some of my classmates, but the instructions weren't very clear to us and we couldn't do much as a group. After that, the professor told us to finish the project ourselves, a program for every student. I finished it, and it seems OK, I think. I looped over the secret word each time the user guessed a word, but I'm not sure if it's the ideal solution.

Also, I'll do another bigger project for the rest of the semester with a group of classmates. This one will have a UI too, every exciting news to me! But, we decided to do it on the Android platform so I'll have to look into that. I heard that I can use Java but Android's GUI language is a little different as far I understand. Anyway, this (GUIs) will probably be the last step. Also, we want to include a login system, so I'll probably get to use Databases for the first time too! this project both excites me and frightens me, to be honest.

Other than that, currently, I'm covering polymorphism and inheritance in the CS102. I looked at them in summer so it's somewhat easier. But, there are certain details that I didn't study in the summer so I'll focus on them. Last week, the teacher assistants gave us a little introduction to the Git and Github. I already had an account but the introduction we nice because I get to learn that there were platforms to keep your clones updated or to fetch the updates.

That's all I've got the say right now! See you.
