Hello everyone,
Sorry, I couldn't write, my exams and homework are starting to kick in once again :/ I had a PHYS midterm last Saturday, and I have 3 midterms in the following 2 weeks. But I'm at spring break now, even if it's only 2 days :) But a lot happened this week actually.
Firstly, I was trying to learn more about Linux since I saw the "Knowledge on Linux" requirement on many internship listings. So last week, I decided to download Virtualbox and then Linux. It was a bit complicated, but I think I got the hang of it right now. Anyway, last Sunday, I was trying to find an IDE for C++ since I have used C++ for one of my courses. For some reason, only Visual Studio can compile C++ on my computer. I have Eclipse, CodeBlocks, and VS Code, but CodeBlocks just doesn't build anything, and Eclipse and VS Code can't find or use MinGW. I also can't download MinGW again. It says the download is wrong. I think the last one is because I already have minGW somewhere on my computer from last year when I was trying to attend Google'd SoC. But then, CodeBlocks downloaded its own MinGW? I don't know, really. On top of this, I can't use VS since it uses Microsoft's own compiler, and I need an IDE using Gcc since I have to send my homework to a server computer with Linux. After trying to fix this situation for 3 hours to no avail, I decided to download Eclipse's C++ version to Linux instead. It went OK compared to others, but I had to use the terminal to download GCC to Linux. It currently works on Linux, but I can't use it either since I cannot create a shared folder between Windows (my host) and Linux. Again, I don't know why since I don't get any errors or anything, the folder is just nowhere to be found on Linux. I'm currently looking into it.
Also, I've attended a small competitive programming competition at my university. It was held by one of the programming clubs at my university, so it was really small. There were, I think, 30-40 people at most. Anyway, I actually wasn't sure if I should attend since I wasn't sure if I could solve the hard questions, but I went anyway. There were 3 (1 easy - 1 normal - 1 hard) questions in total, and comically literally no one solved any questions. Literally zero. My code appeared to be working, but its complexity was high ( n^2). The system didn't accept it, saying there was a runtime error, but it worked in every example I could think of. Maybe it meant the time limit exceeded, but it didn't say anything like that. Since no one was able to solve even one question, they gave time until the end of this week. I will look into it this week.
Other than that, I'm still studying. I have another lab for CS223 Digital Design, and it's become a bit complicated with decoders and multiplexers. I have to study them in these 4 days. Also, I got my first CS201 homework, and it's harder than I expected, especially compared to CS102. But, I have time until the 22nd of this month, so hopefully, I can manage to finish it on time.
That's all I've got to say right now! See you.
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